Scenery - Standard (Opaque) shader: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Part textures]]
=== Main shader used for the parts ===
=== Main shader used for the parts ===
This (KSP2/Scenery/Standard (Opaque)) is the main shader used for parts and the shader that allows for parts to be repainted.
This (KSP2/Scenery/Standard (Opaque)) is the main shader used for parts and the shader that allows for parts to be repainted.
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[[Category:Parts modding]]

Latest revision as of 00:07, 3 August 2023

Main shader used for the parts

This (KSP2/Scenery/Standard (Opaque)) is the main shader used for parts and the shader that allows for parts to be repainted.

Property Name Type Default Value Recommended Value Description
_Color Color Color (1, 1, 1, 1) (1, 1, 1, 1) Color multiplier for _MainTex
_MainTex Albedo Map Texture2D white Map used for areas with no color under the _Paint
_MetallicGlossMap Metallic Texture2D white Main map for smoothness/metallic
_Metallic Metallic/Smoothness Map float(0, 1) 0 1
_GlossMapScale Smoothness Scale float(0, 1) 1 1 Multiplier for smoothness
_MipBias Mip Bias float(0, 1) 0.8 0.8
_BumpMap Normal Map Texture2D bump Main normal/bump map for the part
_DetailBumpMap Detail Normal Map Texture2D bump tileable extra details
_DetailMask Detail Mask Texture2D white mask for _DetailBumpMap
_DetailBumpScale Detail Normal Scale float(0, 1) 1 Multiplier for details' bump
_DetailBumpTiling Detail Normal Tiling float(0.01, 10) 1
_OcclusionMap Occlusion Map Texture2D white Stock part's dont seem to use this. Occlusion seems to imbeded into _MainTex, _MetallicGlossMap and _PaintMaskGlossMap
_OcclusionStrength Strength float(0, 1) 1 Multiplier for ambient occlusion
_EmissionMap Emission Map Texture2D white Map for emission used by engines and generators
_EmissionColor Emission Color Color (0, 0, 0, 1) white
_UseTimeOfDay Use Time of Day Toggle 0 (false)
_TimeOfDayDotMin Min float(-1, 1) -0.005
_TimeOfDayDotMax Max float(-1, 1) 0.005
_PaintA Paint Color A Color white Base paint for the part (will be overwritten during runtime)
_PaintB Paint Color B Color white Accent paint for the part (will be overwritten during runtime)
_PaintMaskGlossMap Paint Mask Texture2D white This is a special texture where:
  • alpha channel dictates the smoothness
  • red channel dictates the accent
  • green channel dictates the base (this also masks the accent)
  • blue channel dictates where it should show the original texture
_PaintGlossMapScale Paint Smoothness Scale float(0, 1) 1 1 Multiplier for smoothness on painted areas
_SmoothnessOverride Use PaintMask for Paint Smoothness Toggle 0 (false) 1 (true) when true, _PaintMaskGlossMap will be used for mettalic (on painted areas) instead of _MetallicGlossMap
_RimFalloff _RimFalloff float(0.01, 5) 0.1 0.1
_RimColor _RimColor Color transparent
_Culling Cull Mode float 2 2
_Offset Depth Offset float(-1, 1) 0 0